2021 recap
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We got a lot done this year! Lets take a look at the milestones we achieved.
Hello World
Inspired by Toke Høye’s PollinatorWatch, Operation GaliWatch is born. We order weather monitoring hardware and start putting together the Raspberry Pi setup.
First Steps
The setup is ready cameras positioned, air quality and weather sensors fine-tuned and working well, and we collect our first datapoints!
First bee of the year spotted on Mar 8th - a Sitka bumble bee.
Making Friends
We get in touch with Biodiversity Galiano, and connect with IMERSS
Pilot Project
We measure pollinator activity and environmental data at our pilot site.
First Data Stories
We share our pilot data and preliminary results
Live monitoring
We join PurpleAir and our sensor goes live!
What’s next?
We captured more pollinators on our environmental cams than we anticipated: hummingbirds and bats! We’ll see where Galiwatch takes us next!